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Research and collaboration

Research and collaborations between different fields of knowledge is at the heart of our small business. Our first product, the bio bites, saw the day because of a nutritionist, microbiologist and pastry chef sitting down at the same table. Thanks to the Growing Kent and Medway Business Innovation Voucher which we won early 2023 together with Greenwich University, we will explore other innovative products.

Innovative process

To make our bites we combine traditional lacto-fermentation with freeze drying technology.  Freeze drying is commonly used in the pharma industry. In this process, the water is gently extracted from the fermented dough under vacuum. Through this process we ensure that the live cultures and a large part of the nutrients remain preserved. Our treats are lab tested and contain 3 Billion CFU from 35 different live cultures.

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Our innovation awards

Fermenti is the winner of the "Best Food Innovation" category at the World Food Innovation Awards 2023.

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Fermenti and Greenwich University received the Growing Kent & Medway Business Innovation voucher.

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Raspberry and Coconut Bio Bites wins gold awards in 4 categories including the Innovation Award at the Nourish Awards

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Fermenti shortlisted as an Innovator by the Open Innovation Forum Food, Drink & FMCG Pitching Event organised by Cambridge University 

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